
How to


Influencer marketing, in some ways the baby of the digital marketing world, having its own set of words and phrases that many marketers are not so familiar with yet. On top of that, there is an array of confusion around the exact meaning of the words and how they should be used, many of which are being used incorrectly or interchangeably. It’s really hard to keep up! But don’t worry we’ve got you covered with…

At Primetag, besides producing and publishing our own research, we’re also avid readers of all types of guides and studies that can cast some light into this fast growing new marketing discipline. There’s plenty of free content about Influencer Marketing on the web – and that’s good news. This industry suffers from a lack of standard procedures, benchmarks and a coherent framework. Marketers struggle to work with Influencers in a professional, measurable and scalable way.…

Influecer Marketing Metrics – Think about it – you use campaign goals on Ads, so why shouldn’t you be using that in Influencer Marketing? This article covers Influencer Marketing Metrics, Goals and Objectives: Influencer Marketing goals and campaign metrics objectivesHow to use goals in Influencer Marketing campaigns The Influencer Marketing campaign objectives brands are using right now Find the right IM campaign objective for your brand’s marketing strategy Goals and campaign objectives You can read…