
October 2021


Influencer Marketing Targeting can make a huge difference in order to obtain More ROI 1. Building Momentum The public is constantly seeing Ads on Social Media. Momentum needs to be built and Influencers Marketing Targeting can help to create awareness. Repetition and a long-term marketing strategy will help to stand out. Example for Black Friday! Late September/Early OctoberUse Influencers to talk about your Product but “without trying to sell” Late October/Early NovemberBe more “aggressive” with…

Influecer Marketing Metrics – Think about it – you use campaign goals on Ads, so why shouldn’t you be using that in Influencer Marketing? This article covers Influencer Marketing Metrics, Goals and Objectives: Influencer Marketing goals and campaign metrics objectivesHow to use goals in Influencer Marketing campaigns The Influencer Marketing campaign objectives brands are using right now Find the right IM campaign objective for your brand’s marketing strategy Goals and campaign objectives You can read…