Influencer marketing software helps driving ROI to campaigns! Make sure you are reaching the right audience. Here’s how to do it the easy way.
Influencer Marketing Software helps marketings campaigns to reach their target audience. Ensuring the selected influencers reach the target audience is key to success. Doing it manually is not easy, and it becomes harder as you scale!
Campaign Planning and Audience Targeting
For a marketing professional, at the end of the day, the critical success factor lies in the ability to reach the right audience.
This has to be done at the right time, with the right message, and independently from other media types or channels used to communicate – TV, radio, press, digital advertising or influencer marketing.
When using the latter, it’s critical then to have reliable information about audiences, as this impacts campaign planning and operation. It will define the number of influencers, the cost and even the type of content to be published.
Real-Life Examples
Let’s suppose that, as a brand, you are negotiating annual agreements with influencers. Or that you work for an agency that has just received a briefing from a brand. In both cases, how do you make sure that you are selecting the influencers that reach your target audience?
Accessing Audience Insights can be Challenging
If you’ve been working in influencer marketing for quite some time, then you’ll know that it is not always easy to have access to reliable information regarding an influencer’s audiences.
Even when you get access to reports, or other media, featuring this kind of insight, these may change over time and get easily outdated.
Primetag Influencer Marketing Software has Official Access to Influencers’ Insights
With Primetag, you have access to real data straight from the influencer’s social media accounts, meaning no guesses or assumptions in the data. Primetag has been vetted and approved by all major social media networks and has official access to their APIs. Therefore, we are able to proudly say that we provide authentic information for marketers right off the bat, we ain’t horsing around over here.

How to Access the Audience Insights of an Influencer
The Hard Way
- Talk with a manager and talent agency that will have to request this from the influencer (it takes time).
- Receive a media-kit with static information about the influencer (it gets outdated).
- Request for print-screens with audience insights for one or various social media channels (the data may be manipulated).
The Easy Way
- Ask to connect with influencers using Primetag – simple.
- After the connection is granted, view their media kit and have access to the always up-to-date insights (including audiences) for all their social media channels – so sit back and relax.

How to Target the Right Audience When Using Multiple Influencers
The Hard Way
- Transcribe and compile all the information, including media kits, screenshots and spreadsheets into a single document (yawn 🥱).
- Manually process the data, compare influencers and their audiences in order to get actionable insights (ok now I’m asleep 😴).
The Easy Way
- Signup into Primetag and search by content the CONTENT EXPLORER (Free Version only with Portugal & Spain) – find the right influencer that communicates what you sell or DISCOVER TikTokers and Instragrammers with smart filters.
- Calculate the Audience Overlap and measure the common audience between two or more profiles. Remember that impacting the same audience = losing money in a reach strategy
- Benchmark your Competitors and Get More Budget internally in case competition are investing more
- Measure Results in Real-Time or With Exportable Presentations

When you buy TV slots for your ads you know exactly who you’re targeting, the same happens with press or digital advertising when using Facebook or Google for instance. Influencer marketing should be no different. Now you have the right tools to target the right audience. So stop wasting time and money, and increase the ROI – the Return on Influence of your influencer marketing campaigns.